Worship Services

Generally our Sunday Worship service is held at 10:15 am. This is a mix of tradition worship with some contemporary music. We have a Contemporary band called the “Sanctuary Players” that play on occasion and our choir has recently started singing again. We believe in a good mix of music to be important in a worship service.

We also have special services. If you would like to stay informed, you have a few options. You can go to our “Contact Us” page and fill out the newsletter for at the bottom of the page.

You can also go to our YouTube channel at : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMqFt5cgtjv9Gr8-o6EyUWw

Here you can see what our services are like and if you like and subscribe, you will be notified when we go live.

Also, come to a service. Any special services will be announced and posted in our bulletin. We are a really friendly group and believe that you will enjoy being in our congregation.

We are located at 46 Madison St, Tiffin Ohio and services start at 10:15 am.